Seniors' Learning Camp
15th Seniors' Learning Camp
- Active Living Starts with Me
Experience an unforgettable 2-Day 1-Night adventure with fellow seniors aged 45 and above. The 15th run of Seniors’ Learning Camp (SLC) promises a diverse array of team-building games, workshops, and exciting activities to create a vibrant and joyful environment.
Our mission is clear: to redefine perceptions of ageing by showcasing the wealth of opportunities and activities available for seniors to lead active and fulfilling lives. Integral to our camp is an emphasis on collaborative learning and mentorship, with seniors from our esteemed Seniors’ Learning Camp Alumni (SLCA) taking the lead as facilitators, ensuring a rich and engaging experience for all.
Ready to be part of this transformative experience? Register your interest hereand stay tuned for updates on the community projects aimed at uplifting vulnerable residents in the South East District.
Let's make a difference together!